Saturday, 15 December 2012

Memory: 2012-12-14

Memory: Why thank you for the reminder, Mr. Governor

Our annual bi-department Christmas party fell on 14 December this year, and it was an unusually busy time for all the RAs. KN and HX were extra busy because they're rookies and must head the production of the department rookies skit, and I involuntarily took on a bigger role within the Social Committee to help with party preparation. By Friday, everyone in the RA pit was quite stressed out; KN even blew up on the phone and went on and on about how we really should have a professional planner to take care of all these party business. It would be a lot more efficient if we did, but it was also quite amusing to see him lose his usual composure over party planning too.
I was working until the very last minute before changing into my party dress, but since I had been listening to Christmas songs non-stop to keep my stress level in check, I was quite hyped up for the festivity. I also couldn't wait to see the rookie skits. (I don't think I'd ever forget the origin of the skits, but in case it ever gets fuzzy, it is a tradition between FSD and FMD to each have their rookies produce a skit to make fun of the department/opposing department/the establishment.)

We were one of the first ones to arrive at the transformed cafeteria  so I stuck with KN and HX until the rest of the gang from 5E came down. Not too long later, the one and only charismatic Governor arrived. I don't really know why he is as feared/well-respected as he is, but he just is. People (myself included) treat him somewhat like royalty: he is the center of attention the moment he steps into a room, and you do not speak to him unless you're spoken to (or unless you're in his inner circle). He would carry himself confidently, and mingle here and there working the room, but unless he approaches you, everyone would continue with their business/conversation like their eyes aren't discreetly following the governor's every step.
As I no different than everyone else, I went to CY the moment the Gov stepped in and told her that we must ask him for a job! It was a half joke of course. We don't actually expect him to give us a job in London, nor do we expect ourselves to be courageous enough to stop him. Not even KG, who briefs him on a regular basis, is quite valiant enough to start a conversation with him. And just like that, we simply watched crestfallen as he walked further and further away from where we stood while we kept up the pretense of conversing.
That was when KB arrived.
KB is an extremely caring and sweet girl who was at the Bank to work on her PhD thesis with a researcher. It was her last day at the Bank, and being the kind and caring girl that she is, she is very well liked, and so when she asked one of the DC if she could have a picture taken with the Governor, the DC agreed to ask for her. KB took me and a few girls along with her knowing I wanted to ask the Gov for a job. (She really is extremely sweet!)
The Governor usually doesn't take pictures with employees, but it couldn't hurt to tag along the DC, who carries more weight than all of us girls combined! When the DC asked the Gov, he said that we will all be leaving very soon, and asked if we could take a picture with him. I suppose he couldn't very well say no to 4 girls, so he proceeded to greet us all individually. I happened to be the first one. I felt a little unsteady as I shook his hand. I don't quite remember how our conversation had gone exactly, but it resembles the following:
Me: "Hi Governor. I am an RA in FSD. I am actually heading to London soon too. I just don't have a job yet."
Mr. Gov: "Oh, but I do."  (yes we all know, Mr Gov!)
Me: "Yes, of course."
Mr. Gov: "So which field are you planning to go into?"  (or something along that line)
Me: "Central banking preferably." I smiled sheepishly, and added, "But anything, really."

I don't know if he caught that last bit, but he just chuckled and moved on to LZ, who was heading to NYC, then CY, who also said she's heading to London, and finally to KB.

After the greeting, I gave my camera to KN so he could take our picture. I don't know how, but I ended up directly beside the Gov, and I was shaking while I showed him how the picture had turned out.
I vaguely remembered someone chirping the Governor about taking pictures with him. Good-naturedly, the Gov said the picture was actually for him, and not for us. I also vaguely recall the Gov jokingly asked DC what was happening to his department, it seems like there's an exodus!
The next 15 minutes were a blur to me as I came out of my mini shock.

The rest of the night turned out quite well. I didn't get to sit with who I wanted to sit with, and didn't get a good picture with who I wanted to have a good picture with, but who cares. I know I shouldn't be caring.
The skits were super awesome. Awesome beyond words actually, as my jaw was sore from laughing through both of them. The FSD one wasn't bad, but KG just blew the roof off with the FMD one. I am looking forward to re-watching both of them.
Once the food was cleared away, music came on, and little by little, people started dancing on the dance floor. I'm not a dancer, so I just sat around, took pictures and chatted.
It had been a long day, but there was just some magic in the air that kept me there. Well, one it was my last Christmas party at  the Bank; two, the someone I wasn't suppose to care about was still there; three, VT, one of the best person I've ever met, asked me to stay longer; and finally, I didn't really want to do everything according to CY's wish. And so I stayed.

Not to mention just to be left there by that same someone.
Nothing annoys me more than not answering my texts.

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