Friday, 13 September 2013

2013-09-14 Friday after work drinks conversations

D: You will find that the longer you work here, the more you find that [company] is a lot better back then.. We used to have a yacht! A yacht that you can just reserve if it's not being used. 

M (to A): Do you know Doctor Who? This is not to imply that you are old or [ etc., etc. ], but because you have been around for such a long time, you would find that you don't care about anyone else, because you know they'll just leave. You have been 6 years? That's nothing. I have seen 6 years and 6 years come and go. Do you feel that way? 

A: Yes. None of you mean anything to me. [joking]


D (to me): You must have no idea what we're going on about.

Me: Yes... I have no idea. I mean I have heard of Doctor Who, but haven't seen it. 

D: You will learn more of the British culture the longer you stay here. 

Me: Yes, I'll start with football. 

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